Australian cyclist numbers
2011 Census Travel to Work
2006 Census Travel to Work
2001 Census Travel to Work
1996 Census Travel to Work
1991 Census Travel to Work
1981 and 1986 Census Travel to Work
1976 Census Travel to Work
Note: 1976 Census Travel Travel to Work above is multi rather than single mode journeys and differs from the single mode estimates and ratios (based on 1981 state data) in the charts at the top of this page.
The Census cycling data above can be compared as a proportion of Australia's total population from 1976 to 2011:
1976 - 53,997 (population 14,033,083) / 0.38%
1981 - 76,851 (population 14,923,260) / 0.51%
1986 - 86,201 (population 16,081,350) / 0.54%
1991 - 92,500 (population 17,284,036) / 0.54%
Helmet laws introduced 1990-1992
1996 - 74,451 (population 18,310,714) / 0.41%
2001 - 78,210 (population 19,413,240) / 0.40%
2006 - 90,115 (population 20,697,880) / 0.44%
2011 - 103,913 (population 22,323,933) / 0.50%
Australia's total population grew 59% from 1976 to 2011. Australia's population increased 38.8% from 1986 to 2011 and cycling to work increased 20.5%. Australia's population increased 29.2% from 1991 to 2011 and cycling to work increased 12.3%.
A more realistic comparison can be made with population demographics old enough or capable enough to have a job or to cycle to work:
1976 - 53,997 (pop 15-70 - 9,539,603) / 0.57%
1981 - 76,851 (pop 15-70 - 10,374,073) / 0.74%
1986 - 86,201 (pop 15-70 - 11,309,541) / 0.76%
1991 - 92,500 (pop 15-70 - 12,343,233) / 0.75%
1996 - 74,451 (pop 15-70 - 13,020,185) / 0.57%
2001 - 78,210 (pop 15-70 - 13,808,744) / 0.57%
2006 - 90,115 (pop 15-70 - 15,157,718) / 0.59%
2011 - 103,913 (pop 15-70 - 16,145,325) / 0.64%
Australia's population aged 15-70 increased 69.2% from 1976 to 2011. Australia's population aged 15-70 increased 42.8% from 1986 to 2011 and cycling to work increased 20.5%. Australia's population aged 15-70 increased 30.8% from 1991 to 2011 and cycling to work increased 12.3%.
Data below from Day to Day Travel in Australia 1985/1986 (p18, 19)
Data below from Cycling Down Under: A Comparative Analysis of Bicycling Trends and Policies in Sydney and Melbourne
Data below from the 2008/09 Sydney Household Travel Survey (p26)
Data below from Trends in Australian children traveling to school 1971-2003: burning petrol or carbohydrates? (final page)
Data below from ABS CensusAtSchool Australia 2010: Percentage of students using each method of travel by state/territory
Data below from ABS Participation in Sport and Physical Activities 1997-98 - (p16)
Data below from Cycling in Sydney: Bicycle Ownership and Use
Data below from ABS bulletin: Environmental issues: people's views and practices (p67 and p70)
Data below from Australian Bicycle Council
Data below from ABS bulletin Sport and Recreation: A Statistical Overview. Australia (p19)
Mandatory Bicycle Helmet Law in Western Australia
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